”Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” – Ayn Rand

Since we are in the “flow” and synchronistic things just happen, it’s difficult for me to get into the nuts of bolts of creating a renovation budget.
However, it is a MUST!
I started my budget journey searching for a spreadsheet template. There were a few out there, but nothing that felt right for our project. So I chose one and began modifying it. In all honesty, I basically re-created an entirely new one.
I started with an overall project budget. I formatted it without numbers. Then I created individual project budgets. I came up with a lucky 13 separate projects: Demo, Flooring, Painting, Kitchen/Laundry, Buffet/Dining Room, Zia’s Office, Master Bedroom, Master Bath/Closet, 3rd Bedroom, Guest Bath, Exterior/Landscaping, and Deck/Awning.
Once I created a spreadsheet for each project I went to work estimating the activities and expenses for each of them. Here is an example of the Buffet/Dinging Room sheet.

I determined the numbers from the research I have done based on the materials I have sourced. The labor costs are low because we are doing the bulk of this work ourselves. When I look at this breakdown it helps me get clear on the work that needs to be done and gives me permission and a guide for spending.
In the past I have allowed an old limiting belief to stop me from spending - it tells me that it isn’t okay for me to spend money. That’s the gift of creating this budget. I can check this renovation spreadsheet, click on whatever project I’m working on and I have a plan for buying what we need.
Of course, these are all estimates. It is a fluid thing that will act as a guide in the process. Things may cost more, or they may cost less. The budget is a guideline.
This process really kicked in my left brain nerd self. I spent the entire day formatting all the separate project spreadsheets and figuring out how to enter expenses once and have them fill in all the fields. It took a while and a few YouTube videos - but I created a kick butt tool to help keep us on track!
I’m proud of myself!
Can we do it??
Time will tell. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.