“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs

That is my creative engine.
As soon as we looked at the house, for the first time, my creative engine started revving. I began to see ideas and colors. I knew I wanted to do something different than other houses I had designed.
Our current house has a rustic Tucson vibe with Talavera tile and deep reds, blues and yellow. The one before that was Mid Century Modern with lots of glass and bright colors. I’ve been wanting to do something with the colors and textures of nature with a boho feel. So I started a Pinterest board with that idea in mind. (You can check it out here.)
Usually there is that one thing that gets me inspired. Last time it was the tile, before that it was a serving platter, and another time a piece of vintage fabric. This house got me with the built in buffet.
It was ugly!

But I could see beyond that. I began to imagine it totally different and the ideas started coming. I wanted to take out all the glass shelves and mirrors. I could see the back with some cool wallpaper and new wooden shelves with a rattan starburst mirror (which I already found!) And the counter top redone in something natural looking. I could add all the vintage pottery I've been collecting. It would serve as the inspiration for the entire mobile home. (Here's my Pinterest board for the buffet.)
It was a starting point.

I immediately started working on it. We took out the glass shelves, the mirrors, and removed the wood framing.We removed the old Victorian hanging lamp. Once all that was removed it just looks like a row of cabinets with a flat wall behind it. We are going to drywall the back to make it more sturdy. I started refinishing the drawers and cabinet doors and put on two coats of Zinsser. A good start.

Transformation begins!
Everyone has their unique creative process - this is mine. Finding a point of inspiration begins the process and grows from there. It is the vision that pulls me!
I'm excited to see how it magically transforms into an entirely new place!